Doctor's offices

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Every professional service

Convenience under one roof

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Non-life threatening care

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With participating doctors


We have built a decades-long relationship with the Bowmanville community and area based on caring professionalism and trust.

Bowmanville Health Centre (BHC) focuses on comprehensive and inclusive patient care for individuals and families. There are currently 28 family physicians and 13 specialists practising on-site. In addition, you will find related services in one handy location: chiropractic, CPAP equipment and expertise, urgent care/walk-in, pharmacy, diagnostic imaging, dental, endoscopy, sleep clinic, speech pathology, eye care, hearing centre, cardiac diagnosis, counselling, medical infusions, midwives, legal services, paediatric rehabilitation, laboratory services, personalized exercise gym, physiotherapy/foot clinic, and so much more.


Located not too far east of Historic Downtown Bowmanville, we serve a thriving and rapidly expanding population in Durham Region. Despite this growth, we still offer that “hometown feel” that you have come to expect with roots in a community that go back more than 200 years. But we are not stuck in the past, as our medical services evolve to meet the needs of our visitors and keep up with developments in medical science.

Plan your visit to Bowmanville Health Centre


Announcements, recent developments


Building, clinics, services

MONDAY 0900–2000
TUESDAY 0900–2000
WEDNESDAY 0900–2000
THURSDAY 0900–2000
FRIDAY 0900–2000
SATURDAY 1000–1600
SUNDAY 1000–1600

LifeLabs, located in the east wing, is open from 0700–1700 throughout the week and 0800–1200 on Saturdays. They close at 1500 every second Tuesday of the month.

Hours do vary by service, office and holidays. Best to call ahead to any service to confirm and avoid disappointment and long waiting times.


health card

Please bring your Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card whenever you visit the building’s doctors or other medical services.

Please visit ServiceOntario online (preferred) or in person if you need to update your card.

Some fees are not covered by OHIP. Staff will explain in advance which expenses require payment.

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